Technology Start Up Case Study

Two individuals developed a concept for an internet business for secure online file and document delivery. They self funded the initial programming, design, and functionality of the technology. To take the next step they required capital and expertise in business development.


The Company needed a clearly defined business model, business plan, and corporate structure to attract management and investors while moving into operations as soon as possible

Pinnacle Consulting Services Involvement:

Keystone did an initial assessment of the technology, strengths and weaknesses of the founders, business model, and industry. The Founders expanded Keystone's participation after the assessment.

Pinnacle Consulting Services Solution

After assessment and overview it was determined that Keystone prepare a business plan, put in place a new corporate structure, began an operational plan that maximized the founders limited capital and budget. The Company was then operational and able to attract several investors to get the Company ready for the next step of development; creating a public company.


The Company was able to easily transition into a small public company using Pinnacle Consulting Services to do all the filings, create an initial private placement, and move into full operations. The Company was able to attract several key management including sales, operations and administration. Keystone continued in the strategic management of the Company and currently acts as an advisor to the Board of Directors

About Pinnacle Consulting Services

Founded in 2013, Pinnacle Consulting Services has long been recognized for advising small companies in multiple industries to achieve success and growth. We specialize in strategic corporate development, financial analysis, and in-depth reporting of the processes that drive a business and allow our clients to make better, more informed strategic decisions in the areas important to them.

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Pinnacle Consulting Services's mission is to provide the highest quality service to its clients.

Business opportunities grow in size and complexity; advisory relationships are more important than ever and need to be based on trust and respect. We pride ourselves on our work ethic, ability to deliver, and our track record of successes.

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